Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Banana Split Shake, by JackKid's Cooking Week at the Macdonald's House!

You know how people will give your kids cookbooks for kids thinking that it will be so much fun for them, but you as the mom just think.. "great! another book of pictures of things that we can never make that he can torture me by asking a thousand times ..please mom, please!" We never have the ingredients and time, and I always get hit with.."why can't we just go buy it!" at 9:30 at night...! So this summer in my "SUMMER 09: I WILL SAY YES MORE OFTEN" mode.. I will say yes! I heard my 8 year old get upset when my mom was over for a garage sale the other day because he had to leave for vacation bible school and he didn't want to miss my mom being there. He remembered the year before when she was there, she made a strawberry milk shake from a cook book he had with him (because of course grandmothers have all the time in the world to do those things and are willing to drop it all for a tiny child's request) I wish I was more like that. I wish he remembered me as the one that would drop it all and make things from the cookbook! All year while working and taking care of 3 kids and a house and scout and soccer and....... I think to myself 'i'm going to do that for real this summer' but then the summer comes and goes like as fast as a blink and I'm left thinking... why didn't I do that!

So this week we are having "A week of recipes" from the cooking for kids book. It's been so fun seeing them get into making their lunch and breakfast and especially dad's father's day dessert!

Here are some of the things we've done so far... stay tuned for more!

Pizza Dippin' Strips!

Josie loves the pizza!
Banana Nut Waffles with
Cinnamon Butter. what a way
to start the day Lucy approves! good waffles

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