Well, our first week of summer has been a long one. We tried to smush in a lot of good fun things to do and managed to squeeze in some not so fun moments too. On Monday, we went to the library to sign up for the summer reading program and picked out some books to bring home. We also took a super trip to the grocery store to stock up on food. On Tuesday, we had a day without dad, becuase he had to work late, so we stuck to the neigborhood with playing outside and a walk around the block.. it actually was breezy that day with storm on the way. Wednesday was our day of trips.. a trip to the zoo, a trip to get snowcones and then a trip to the ER. We had so much fun at the zoo showing Lucy all of the animals.. Josie LOVED the "elpapants" and the "baraffs"

but the "kingkins" were her favorite. Seeing those penguins swim right up to her and play with her on the glass made her day. We were exhausted after the zoo! When dad came home, we all took a trip for snowcones and got stuck in a giant storm rolling in on the way back, so we came home and were having a nice LouD thundering night hunkered in at home when my Lovely Josie decided to do a little laundry and sprayed her little sister mercilessly with the Shout stain remover. After a big bath and scrubbing of her face, Lucy seemed fine until about midnight when she started screaming and wouldn't open her eyes. For 2 hours we were up with her screaming, so

after many calls to drs and to SCJohnson Shout company... we decided a trip to the ER was in order. We spent that stormy night (Lucy and mom) in the ER and endured a long eye irrigation with saline. She slept until 9 the next morning, but was bright eyed and cheerie when she woke up. Thank you Lord! Thursday... needless to say.. without sleep all night, we stayed home and stayed inside and snoozed whenever we could. It stormed all day, so it was fine anyway. Friday was a little better. We took a trip to CiCis and played. It's been a long week. Hopefully next week will be fun without drama! VBS is starting next week and I expect it will be super busy! I'll check back in later with more! H

ave a great week.
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