Oh.. say it isn't so.... for those of you that know us at all, you know what this scrap is from without a second glance. Yes, it's true... it's "baby". Try not to cry. There is a time and a season for everything. "Baby" is unravelling. I guess we really shouldn't have expected too much from that poor ragged 'ol pillow case that I got before Scott and I got married. It lasted 7 years on our bed and endured night after night of snoozing heads. Then to get shoved into a linen closet only to be replaced by those stinkin' king size pillowcases. Then to see the light of day again when that crazy little girl came along. It's been dragged around all over the house, the yard, the trampoline, to school and back countless days. Heck, that "baby" has seen just about every place we've ever been to visit and probably many that we haven't. It's been through every illness, tonsils out, tubes in, stomach viruses, colds, and all those good days too. It's been rescued from Linus' mouth, rescued from Walmart once when we left it at the Neighborhood Market on the soup aisle, rescued from the cracks of the couch, and the car... Poor "baby" It's day is near... I think I'll save this tiny scrap for Josie when she get's older. She may need it to get through other tough times and good times too.. 
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