Yea for Spring Break. Speaking of break... I really did get one yesterday. This week has been mostly filled with trips to various doctors for Josie. We have several annual visits we have to make each year... cardiologist, pacemaker, etc... which all went remarkably! I love having visits when they don't remember you were there at the end of the day. We were in and out all good reports!
Yea! Josie!!! Yesterday, I got a Spring BREAK though! I told the kids that I was going to feed Lucy a bottle and then I would get lunch ready.. but instead while I was
her.. Jack decided to make lunch for us all on his own. What a kid!
There were sandwiches of all different flavors! There wasn't any mayo or mustard on any of them, so they were a tad dry, but they were the best sandwiches I had ever had. Not to mention, he threw in some chips, and grapes to top it off.
As if that weren't enough.. Josie decided to sweep the kitchen for me. She swept everything that she could muster up right on to my carpet, but hey! It will
vacuum from there! What awesome kiddos I have!

Now that's what I call a spring BREAK !
Today we spent the day making cookies for spring break.. we w

ill deco

rate tonight. YUm!

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