Today we had leftover chocolate cake for breakfast! Have I mentioned how much I love summer... so much! On my defense, I did look up recipes for "what to do with leftover chocolate cake" there was a lot out there on how to make cake balls from it, or how to crumble it and put it in pudding... but I'll admit... I was looking to have it for breakfast and those ideas just were telling me to make other things and that required work. So, here's what I did. I toasted it like toast (in the oven under broil) and then buttered it. For my kids, I drizzled a little bit of chocolate syrup on it too. :) OH YES I DID! -with a 'z' snap! I'm cool like that! Hey! I made them eat strawberries with it too.. and yogurt! It's all good. Fresh fruit and yogurt with it makes it healthy, right? Summer vacation is great. I love time off to play with my kids. Here's what we had for breakfast today:

On Monday nights our boys go to Boy Scouts and it's just me and the girls here... so usually we do something just with us.. take a walk and look for lightning bugs, or go to the park... So tonight, they had a meeting that was supposed to last a long time, so it was just me and the girlies for dinner. I decided to try one of my favorite plates from one of the blogs that I love "Meet the Dubiens" She has great ideas for making food fun. Here is our attempt at our 'girlie' dinner making 'girlies' with our food. I wish so badly that I had taken a picture of Josie's that she made... she loves scrambled eggs and kept piling hers on. In the end her girl looked a little like Marge Simpson.
Fun! Thanks for the idea,
Jill at Meet the Dubiens. Check out her blog here:
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