Monday, July 18, 2011

Time come back!

It's summer here in Texas, so of course, it is about 104 every day on average.  This is no new thing for us.  We are used to it and we adjust.  When it's that hot, you can do some errands during the day, but after about an hour or 2 you have to go home and just sit.  And I know what you guys that aren't from TX are thinking... "why don't you do things early in the morning".. well I know this may be hard to imagine, but most of the time we don't even get below 90 until after midnight, and that's IF we do.  Most mornings, we begin at 85-90 degree temps, so by 9 or 10 we are well up into almost 100 temps already. So usually, with a 2 year old and a 6 year old, the afternoon is a great opportunity for nap time.... OH how i love nap time (for myself too) So every year, I say.. things are going to be different this year.. we are going to stay on a schedule! Every year I'm wrong. So nap time gets later and later every day and then we end up pushing bedtime later and later and then we sleep later and later in the mornings... My kids are off schedule, I'm off schedule, aghhh... I just want my nights back.  During the school year, my kids go to be around 8:30 and I have until around 10 or 11 when I go to bed to MYSELF.  Now, my kids are up until 10 or 11 and I don't get up until they get up... I want my time back. I'm alone zero time. I must work on it.

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