Making Valentines Day fun... it's easy. Every year after holidays I try to go to walmart or target and shop the 50-75% off holiday stuff. You can easily set yourself up for a cheap and easy holiday if you're patient and can stand waiting a year. Last year I bought Valentine plates for $ .25 cents each and little heart dishes for about the same. I also bought VDay confetti and a few other cheap things. I used these things for Lucy's "I love Lucy" bday party and a few bdays in between or on sick days with the kids and now we're back to Valentine's Day.

For breakfast I made our regular breakfast (scrambled eggs, biscuits, etc..) but I put it in heart dishes and on heart plates. Take your straberries and cut the tops off and then cut a tiny triangle out of the top. Viola! you have the perfect little heart fruit. It just makes things special.

At lunch, we punched our sandwiches out with heart cookie cutters, and served red chips, red strawberries and red apples and had milk in fancy cups. It doesn't take much! Just make it pretty.
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