Well, as I'm sure you can see from my lack of blogging.. Spring is here, and with that comes schedules. Tons and tons of calendar squares that are filled! We have soccer games, pta programs, field days at my school, Jack's school, and Josie's school, field trips to the AA center for Jack, field trips to see farm animals for Josie, field trips to the zoo for me.. then OOOPS No field trips.. swine flu! Then oops.. BACK ON... cdc decided it was ok now. It's all hard to keep up with. Last week, I

think I was home for maybe an hour each day before 9 oclock each night. Crazy. We're in the middle this week of bday parties, a field trip, progress report grades, and amoxicillin

for an ear infection (Lucy this time- right ear)

Last week Jack had 3 soccer games in a week. One Saturday, Tuesday night and Thursday night. We won all of them, Jack claims, due to the fact that he did NOT wash his socks in between games. Lucky socks that smell. Josie has grown about 2 feet since last summer.. and has nothing that fits to wear because as soon as I buy it.. she's already out of that size. Can we say growth spurt! And to top it all off... I think that we have about one more, maybe 2, weeks before Lucy is mobile. SCARY! to have all 3 kids running amuck... what will this house become? She's up on all 4s now and mad as can be that getting up on her knees alone didn't get her to that something that she wanted. It's only a matter of time before she realizes that she can actually move those chubby legs of hers with those roly poly arms and actually achieve the prize! Now, next goal: to eat that food that mom has on her plate instead of these green beans. Jack and Scott right now as I type are working on a push cart for Scouts. Next week is the push cart derby which is a big race of these hand built g0-carts pretty much. It should make for some great photos! I'll check back in with news of the derby! In the meantime.. enjoy your family because these calendar squares fill up fast, but also pass quickly. Enjoy each square as it comes! Love, Jen